General Questions
How can I Register?
Create your profile and fill in the registration form.
Click on “Validate” to send us your Profile
We will than review it and send you an email as soon as you’re accepted
If something is missing or in case we need more information about the company we’ll get in touch with you
The whole Process should not take more than 24 hours.
How do I create an open position?
There are two ways to add a Job opening. One is to go to your Companies Page and click “add job” in the top right of the page. The other option is to Contact us directly and we Help you with the creation, therefor just send an email to
Can I add more than one open Position?
Yes, you can add as many jobs as you need to fill.
To add a new job just click on “add Job” your previously added Positions will be saved.
Who can see the Information we provide?
Do not worry, all the information you provide when opening a position are completely confidential and only visible for you and our Algorithm. It is not published within the platform and is not and will never be public. To enable L.I.S.A to work properly, we recommend to fill out the form completely.
If you have any questions please contact our team by sending an email to:
How much does it Cost?
We have a monthly subscription fee of 149€ which gives you Full Access to our database and Algorithm you can create unlimited positions and searches.  We will NOT renew the payment automatically.
other question?
Contact us to setup a meeting or phone call with one of our helpful account managers.